Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

“You didn’t finish yet.” I wanted to make sure that he enjoyed it, got as much pleasure from fucking me as I got from it. His hands wrapped around me again, pulling me in close.

“Take off your dress, Lily.” His voice was low and rough, but had a musical quality to it that always made me quiver, even as far back as college.

I couldn’t keep myself from obeying him even if I wanted to, and I pulled back from his grip to start unzipping my dress, enjoying watching Drake’s eyes go wide at the sight of my deep blue lacy bra.

When I got the zipper down to the bottom, I stood before him motionless until Drake reached up and slid the dress off my shoulders. I felt the rush of cool air against my skin, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

“You too,” I breathed, wanting to see him out of those clothes as soon as possible. Any barrier between us was too much. He looked gorgeous in clothes, but we were better off when he was naked and fucking me again without delay.

“You’ll undress me when you’re finished, Lily.” I nodded, standing before Drake in just my bra and matching heels.

“That’s as much help as you’ll get from me,” he growled after unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. I laughed and came toward him, kissing him before starting on his shirt.

Drake didn’t make it easy. As soon as I got close to him his hands were all over me, feeling me up, squeezing my tits and ass, sticking a finger or two inside me. It was not easy to concentrate on getting him naked, but I persevered.

Within a minute he was completely naked, and I stood back to drink him in, reveling in his gorgeous male body.

“Make sure you thank your personal trainer for me,” I quipped, feeling his solid abs.

“I’ll be sure and do that when I get the chance,” Drake replied, before reaching up and unclasping my bra from the front. I wondered how he knew it opened from the front. I shrugged my way out of it. We stood before each other, naked. I felt odd with my heels on but no clothes, but it also felt super sexy too.

Before I had any idea what he was doing, Drake picked me up and threw me onto the bed, coming after me as soon as I landed. When I landed I moaned loudly from surprise and the pressure of hitting it at speed.

Drake was on top of me by the time my eyes opened back up, holding my arms above my head with one hand while he wrapped the other around one of my breasts. Using his tongue he lapped at the other one. I felt his huge cock poking around my *, and inhaled deeply as he pushed into me again, filling me up on the first stroke.

Having Drake’s cock back inside me was amazing. He stayed like that, moving his hips back and forth from side to side, making me groan with pleasure. I cried out when he softly bit my nipples.

Once I’d gotten used to having his length back inside me Drake started to thrust in and out, slowly at first, but picking up speed. I didn’t even need to do anything except push back with my lower body as he moved in and out of me. I lay there with my eyes closed, feeling every sensation, only opening them to watch Drake fuck me.

I felt a second orgasm building up inside me and threatening to shatter me, just after I’d finished rebuilding myself from the first one. I wallowed in it, let it come, making no attempts to hide it.

“Fuck me, Drake, fuck me. I’m cumming again, oh,” was all I could say, and I wasn’t even sure if the words made sense by the time they left my lips. I was a mass of need and lust and sensation and sparks and when I came the second time, I was overwhelmed, arching my back and moaning like I was having a seizure.

Drake slowed down as I came down from the haze of my orgasm. Within a minute he was just lying there inside me, holding himself above me and kissing my breasts and neck. I finally came back to lucid consciousness.

Drake moved over to the side and I felt his cock leave me, but instead of feeling the loss of emptiness I felt him scoop me up in his arms and pull me close.

We lay there for a long time, without speaking, just feeling the rise and fall of each other’s chests, breathing and being one. Drake’s cock, still hard, pressed against me.

Almost without thinking about it, I started pushing myself back and forth against Drake, feeling his cock getting even harder as I moved.

As if reading my mind, he grunted and I felt his large hands gripping my waist. The next thing I knew I wasn’t on his side anymore; he’d rolled me on top of him. I spread my legs over his torso and sank down on to his cock.

Lucy Snow's books